A. Uluslararasi hakemli dergilerde yayimlanan makaIeIer (SCI ve SCI-Expanded Dergilerinde Yayinlanan Makaleler)


A1. 1: Kama NA, Sahin M, Göçmen E, Bayrak M, Kulasoglu H, Akat AZ. The results of surgical techniques in hepatic hydatidosis: treatment with drainage versus treatment without drainage a 6-year experience. J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1998 Aug;43(4):254-6. PubMed PMID: 9735650.


A2. Bayrak M, Altintas Y. Permacol’" Collagen Paste Injection in Anal Fistula Treatment: A Retrospective Study with One-Year Follow-Up. Adv Ther. 2018 Aug;35(8): 1232-1238. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0743-8. Epub 2018 Jul 2. PubMed PMID: 29968009.


A3. Altintas Y, Bayrak I'd. Evaluation of 1294 Female Patients with Breast Pain: A Retrospective Study. Adv Ther. 2018 Sep;35(9): 1411-1419. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0769-y. Epub 2018 Aug 9. PubMed PMID: 30094702.


A4. Bayrak M, Altintas Y. Comparing laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease under spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia. BMC Surg. 2018 Aug 20;18(1): 65. doi: 10.1186/s12893-018-0396-1. PubMed PMID: 30126410; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6102808.



B. Uluslararasi bilimsel toplantilarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarinda (proceedings) basilan bildiriler:


B1. Kama N.A. ,Bayrak M.,Avşar F.,Akat A.Z. , A Comparison of different surgical technigues in the treatment of hydatid disease of the liver a 6 year experience Eurosurgery 95 15-19 November 1995 Barcelona Spain

B2.Yavuz H.,$iroIu N.,Bayrak M.,Ozdemir G.,Kama N.A. Tropical antibiotic Prophylaxis in hemioraphies using prolene mesh.Eurosurgery 1996 Roma

B3.Doganay M., KuIaÇogIu H.,Bayrak M.,girolu N.,Kama N.A. The Incidence of Incisional hernia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Elsa —Thailand Endosurgery Congress 1996 Thailand

B4.Doganay M.,Kama N.A. ,Co§kun T.,KuIah B.,Bayrak M.,Factors that affect laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystisis Eurosurgery 1997 Athens

B5.Doganay M.,Kama N.A.,Co§kun T.,KuIah B.,Bayrak M, Factors that effect, laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecytisis Euro-Asian Congress of Endoscopic Surgery 17-21 June 1997 Istanbul

B6.Doganay M.,Kama N.A.,Co§kun T.,KuIah B.,Bayrak M.,Factors that effects laparoscopic cholesystectomy acute choIecystitis.The 4th congress of Asian Society of Hepato-Biliary —Pancreatic Surgery. June 19-21 1997 Tokyo

B7.Bayrak M.,C,oskun T.,Kama N.A,gener B.,CineI I.,CineI L.The Effect of Aminoguani dine and L-Arginine on Neutrophil Chemotoxis and Bacterial Translocation in Rats After Endotoxin Challenge Eurosurgery 98 Budapest



C. Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayinlanan Makaleler


D. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantilarda Sunulan Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler


D1.Kama N.A. ,Bayrak M., GoÇmen D.Pener C.Hepatik hidatidozis 7 yillik tecrube

D2.UIusIararasi Katilimli Hepato-Pankreato-Bilier Cerrahi Gunleri 21-22 Eylul Istanbul 2.Eydpoglu B.,Kama N.A., KulaÇoglu H.,Akataz Gdvel M.,Bayrak M.,SkoIisidaI ajanlarin pankreatiko —bilier sistemuzerine olan etkileri XII.Ulusal Gastroentereloji Kongresi 25-30 Eylul 1995 Izmir


D3.Co§kun T,GozaIan U,Bayrak M,Kama NA,Akat AZ Primer pankreas kist hidatigi ”Olgu Sunumu” 13.Ulusal Gastroentroloji Kongresi 8-13 Ekim 1996 Antalya

D4.Bayrak M., Koş M.,Hepatik hidatikozda drenajli ve drenajsiz cerrahi tedavi yakIaşimIari Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi 1994 Istanbul

D5.Bayrak M.,Coşkun T.,Kama N.A.,Şener B.,CineI I.,CineI L.,Aminoguanidin ve L- arginin’in sepsisde notrofil kemotaksisi ve bakteriyel translokasyon uzerine etkileri deneysel saIi§ma.Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi,1998 Izmir

D6.Bayrak M.,AIabaz 0.,BuIbuI A.,Sari i. ,Tirag S.,Laparoskopik Sleeve Gastrektomi Erken Donem Sonuslarimiz Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi 22-26 Nisan 2015 Antalya


D7. Bayrak M.,AIabaz 0.,BuIbuI A.,Sari I .,Tirag S., Ozel Ortadogu Hastanesi,Adana Spinal Anestezi altinda yapilan Laparoskopik Kolesistektomi Deneyimi 226 Olgunun Sunumu XII.Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi 2015 Antalya


DB.Oksuz M.,Bayrak M.,AIabaz 0.,BuIbuI A., Laparoskopik kolesistektomi sonrasi geIişen safra kapaklarinin tedavisinde endoskopik sfinkterotomi ve stent uygulamalari XII.Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi 2015 Antalya


D9. Bayrak M.,AIabaz 0., Sari I .,Tiraş S.,Ozdemir N.,RevizyoneI Sleeve Gastrektomi SonuçIarimiz. 5th National and 3rd Mediterranean Congress for the Surgery of Obesity and Metobolic Disorders 12-15 Ekim 2017 Antalya

D10.Bayrak M.,Sleeve Gastrektomide fibrin yapiştirici. ELCD Çukurova Bolgesel Sempozyumu Laparoskopide Dogrular ve yanliglar 5 Kasim 2016 Adana